PREMIERE: Watch The Water 2: Closing Chapter

May 13, 2023, 04:03 a.m. CET+0200
Stew Peters World Premiere (5/12/2023): Watch the Water 2: Closing Chapter

Don't forget to view part 1:

   World Premiere: Watch The Water
   Apr 11, 2022, 22:02 p.m. CET+0200

Role of nicotine in previous WHO public global Hearings, Control and Treaties :

   The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know
   Apr 27, 2022, 14:43 p.m. CET+020

CV19 Vax is a Murder Campaign - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

May 14, 2023, 06:03 a.m. CET+0200
CV19 Vax is a Murder Campaign - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Past dailies.